consulting intergenerationnel

L’impact de la génération Y sur le lieu de travail à Disneyland Paris


Pour la première fois, le service recrutement de Disneyland Paris organise une cession d’information sur les carrières le 9 décembre 2009.  De 13h00 à 18h00 vous pourrez échanger en direct avec les intervenants sur les métiers, les possibilités d’évolution et les pratiques de management.

Disneyland Paris is looking to hire candidates for Human Resources positions with 3 to 5 years of experience and for Public Relations positions starting 5 years and over. It is organizing the Disneyland Online Career Day – December 9, 2009

Through an online recruiting event for Human Resources and Public Relations professionals, Disneyland Paris invites you to explore how Generation Y will fundamentally change the workplace.

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Join us in this event to explore our HR / PR job opportunities, to meet with our representatives and to learn from Disney professionals as well as external keynote speakers such as:

  • Federico Gonzalez, Senior Vice-President, Marketing at Disneyland Paris;
  • Patrick de Moustier, CEO at Electronic Arts Asia-Pacific;
  • Benjamin Chaminade, Founder at Reboot inc.
  • Ruth Bond, Director at Disneyland Paris University;
  • Cédric Ponsot, Chief Executive Officer at ZAOZA – Vivendi Universal
  • Amélie Bourgeois, Internet and Direct Marketing Director at Disneyland Paris.

The 9th of December, you will be able to :

  • Learn about Disneyland Paris
  • Participate in online presentations and online chats and ask your questions
  • Discover the role you could play at Disneyland Paris
  • Apply to the open positions

Vous pouvez vous inscrire dès maintenant et télécharger votre CV sur le site Careernomics Disney

UPDATE : More than 500 resumes have been sent to Campus/Buzz’n’Be which is again a good record for such an event (average is 400 …). About 120 people were connected simultaneously to talk about the way Generation Y may change the workplace. The next event will take place in March 2010.